Total loss 27.6
Current Weight 161.4
Listen to that lovely gurgling noise. Um, is that a volcano about to explode? No, sorry, that's just my stomach. It is been acting up all morning, but allowed me to drop a total of 1.1 lbs (started at .2 this morning) since yesterday- and yes I weighed myself after every time in the bathroom (3 total before I had anything to drink). I call that a win. Now if only I could get out of the bathroom.
Not sure what's causing the stomach upset...but it could have been the epsom salt/baking soda bath last night. Maybe that is acting like a laxative? I WAS in there for two hours...but the kids were in bed, the water was warm, and I had a good book, so it was worth it. All I had for dinner last night was some steamed shrimp with shrimp boil spices and lemon juice, 5 strawberries and a melba toast. Nothing too crazy there. Whatever the cause, Im glad its almost got me at my goal this round. Hopefully Ill stay the same tomorrow, or maybe even drop?
Conman is home with me today thanks to the snow (we're in Pa). His school was open, but only til 12pm, so I thought, why bother the treacherous roads twice for fours hours of school? He's been playing Wii for an hour already, addicted as he is. I could let him play all day, and I don't think he would notice any time has gone by...and I won't need to worry about him bothering me while working, unless I tell him he can't play. Then I would have to listen to his screams for hours. Sometimes its just easier to let the square parent take over (yes the tv, with the wii attached). That doesn't make me TOO bad a mom, does it?
Anyway, wherever you are today, hope you are enjoying the weather, the day, your kids (as applicable), and your new body! :)
Weather in AZ was GREAT today! Good loss for you - yea!! Thank you for the magnesium tips - I appreciate it!!