Daily Gain .7
Above LIW .9
Current Weight 160.3
Food Tracker
Exercise Tracker: Slow walk for 30 minutes pushing kids in double stroller
Sat weight: 158.7 (loss of .7)
Exercise: 70 minutes yoga
Sunday weight: 159.6 (gain of .9)
So I think I have figured out the whole gain/lose thing, at least a little bit....funny that it took me 6 weeks to figure it out. Turns out when I eat enough calories to reach my BMR (which is about 1550) or go past, I either stay the same weight or gain. But if I stick to around 1300 calories or below, I lose. Or at least that is what happened this past weekend (when I reviewed it for 4 days). I was down to 158.7 (30 LBS LOST!) on Saturday morning, and then have gained (.9 and .7) for the past two days. Saturday I probably took in around 1900 calories and yesterday was 1685. And this trend seems to be irrespective of exercise (which is strange). Sugar could also play into it a bit, since Thur and Friday I didnt have much, and I had more on Sat and Sunday (not a ton, but a cookie and a half, and a few bites of grape water ice). Im going to keep tracking this closely til R2 starts this upcoming Sat (yes, I got my supplies early! YAY), and then if correct, it should keep me in check after this next round, which will be good.
R2 will be my last round, I hope, unless I decide to do one in the late fall. After this round, I plan to train really hard for whatever events I get around to signing up for (2 sprints and an olympic), and then enjoy the fruits of my labor. I will be racing at least 30 lbs lighter this season (hopefully 60!!!), and I really can't wait to see in what capacity that helps my endurance, my speed, and my overall times.
And I really have enjoyed during my first 4 day win. Thanks for those of you that joined me! I now have a much better grasp on how I actually physically feel, and can tell if Im hungry, etc. I ask myself if I am hungry every time before I eat and while I am eating as well, to make sure I am not putting food in my mouth since its there, and everyone is eating. I am also trying to be more cognizant of what I am putting in my mouth. Saturday night I had a bite of bread, and then asked the waiter to take it away, since it was good but not great. I ordered a martini, but didnt like it so I gave it to Hubby. Why take in extra calories for something I'm not loving?
So anyway, its time for our next 4 day win! ITs called the Not Always So...
Ridiculously easy goal: Every day for the next four days, Ill write down things Ive eaten when Im not hungry. Ill sit with the memory until I can identify the thought that triggered the eating. Then Ill think of at least one reason, no matter how far fetched, that my triggering thought might not always be so.
Small Daily Reward:
Monday: Watch Chuck on Tivo (is it new?)
Tuesday: Go to Food Co-op Meeting
Wednesday: Shopping at lunchtime-for something fun!
Thursday: Give myself time to clean office (doesnt sound like a reward, but if its clean, it will reward me a lot!)
Slightly larger 4-day reward: Girls Weekend!!!!!!!
So, to do this one, you have to do the following exercise: Not Always So
1) Link behavior with the lie that drives it
Draw Vertical line down middle of a sheet of paper. Relax. Return to a memory of a time when you overate. Sit with the memory until you can remember why you ate. Verbalize or write down the thought underlying the decision to eat, such as I have to pay the bills, I am fat anyway, etc...Write it on the left side of the page.
2) Question your thoughts
Write down at least one reason on the right hand side of the page why that thought might not be true. So instead of I need to pay the bills, it could be I choose to pay the bills, or I am not fat, I weigh more than I would like...etc.
The idea is not to change your behavior, but just to recognize your thinking and decisions based on it and why or why not it might be true.
So, here we go...here is my first one...this is from my past (ill do one later today as needed):
What I ate: Dinner at Applebees that wasnt even good. App, entree and dessert for $20 and the inlaws were treating. I chowed down on everything and didn't even feel satisfied. I was also embarrassed afterwards because there were so many plates in front of me.
Thought that fueled my overeating: The food is free, and I want to try everything. If I dont try it now, next time I might have to pay for it, and might not like it, and that would be bad. ( I have issues with food AND money, but Im going to work on one thing at a time :). And everything sounds so good too.
Why this thought may not always be so: As I know now, I do like trying things. But I also know that I only need a certain amount of calories to fuel my body, and so I need to make good choices. I can share something I want to try with the whole family. And my inlaws are so generous, there will be another opportunity to try something else in the future. And we are blessed to be able to afford food at restaurants, so there is no reason to feel lack.
Happy Monday, Ladies...this week is going to be wonderful for us all, I can feel it!
Great insight about your BMR. I will remember that and test it in a couple weeks!