This diet is really getting me in touch with myself. I've been drinking lots of hot water- and that just triggers in me a let's relax response- so lovely. When I eat, I pay full attention to my meal- no distractions- and that too is lovely. When I do this, I am aware of the flavors in every bite. And though I eat so little, I enjoy every meal, and have started experimenting with Apple Cider Vinegar and spices.
I also cook EVERY meal now- and I haven't done that in forever even though I know how much better that is for my health and my wallet. I also cook one day and eat for 4 or 5- which is a timesaver, and makes menu planning easy. Though I'm not going to be eating from a normal menu anytime in the next month, the fact that I can do this successfully now will allow me to stick with this as a basis and easily add in (or when I am feeling overwhelmed by all my choices as a grounding point).
I am losing weight, and gaining something so important- my mental and physical health...And lots of good tips and firsthand experience to make me a better health and nutrition coach. Pros-endless; cons- none so far. Win win all the way.
Friday Funny 2417: Fitness Funnies
1 day ago
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